The big CEO's of the financial industry just were before Congress indicating there would be no big bonuses or wasting of taxpayer money. The were correct, there won't be as many bonuses, but in their place will be retention awards to retain the talent they want to. A wise woman once told me if it walks like a duck, and it swims like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, IT'S A DUCK!! The financial terrorists have no moral compass and yet they are being treated as they do. Or is it just a dog an pony show for Congress to look good and powerful, when they are neither.
This is a sad chapter in the culture of greed that pervades our country. It will be our eventual undoing if not stopped. Only the people of this country can save it as the leadership void in Congress is critical. Know who you are voting for and use the power of the ballot. We have new leadership at the top and he deserves a better support group than what he has in the two houses. Don't think party think brains. Give him the team he needs to be successful. Not people who don't know fossil fuels from their shadow.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
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