Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lemming Alert in D.C.

So let me see if I understand this. We have a President with the lowest approval rating in recent history, and we encounter a financial problem. He creates a bailout plan and the Congress tries to move in lock step to it even though they have expressed no confidence in him or his party. His own party balks and nothing happens.

Markets rebound a little the next day, and in true free market fashion when a void is created someone or something creates innovative instruments to fill that void. At least in the short term it looks like the panic was just that and the lemmings in D.C. tried to walk off the cliff. Time will tell here but perhaps with that time we can look at this problem and come up with a basket of options that will be flexible, useful and not further bankrupt the American taxpayer.

Monday, September 29, 2008

What Did I Tell Ya?

Politics as usual in our Capitol. The Republicans got their feelings hurt when Nancy Pelosi stuck her foot in her mouth at the 11th hour and they decided to take their ball and go home. Now we have a Congress who truly fiddles while Rome burns (see previous blog).

I implore you to vote their butts out, all of them. Retake control of our country and send a message that we as citizens won't put up with a Congress that watches as our markets slowly get destroyed because of their incompetence. Anyone that calls themselves a Democrat or a Republican is no longer worthy of our vote. Party is trumping country. It must stop.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

Our beloved government has been meeting all this week to bail us out of the financial crisis, you know the one they allowed to happen. The Congress over the last 25 years has put through ridiculous banking bills without any checks and balances and now the only solution is to print 700 billion in paper. Their performance reminds me a little of Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

How in the world can we have all of this so called talent in Washington and no one saw this train coming?

They are the ones who practically created and certainly encouraged investment banks.

They are the ones who said you only need one dollar in reserve for every 40 you are speculating on, up from 12.

They are the ones who determined no oversight was necessary.

They are the ones who didn't learn anything from Enron, Bear Stearns, etc.

They are the ones responsible, and we should boot their butts out in November. All of them.

When you go to the polls in November I urge you to vote for whoever has not been in Washington in our government. They have obviously been fiddling for years now and we can't afford anymore fires. We need to take our country back because the people who are running it are irresponsible, selfish, and have lost sight of what public service means. It is time to clean house!!!!