Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hail to Jon Stewart

We finally got some hard reporting from an unlikely source. The Comedy Channel. Finally someone stepped into one of these greedy pseudo capitalist clowns and exposed them for what they are. They are all a part of the dirty little secret known as greed is good and don't tell anyone we are leveraged beyond belief, it will work itself out bunch.

Hats off to Jon Stewart and now let's get the rest of the Wall Street crowd on his show for their moment to get exposed. Let's invite the CEO's of AIG, CITI, and the rest to be on Jon's show. His show appears to be the only place where we can speak about greed and being irresponsible.

Cramer got what he deserved and he knew all along that we were leveraged way too far out. After all he ran a successful hedge fund for years. You know one of those types of instruments that has caused all the problems. And while we're at it let's get the Bill Clinton's, Chris Dodd's, Barney Frank's, George Bushes of the world on the show too and ask them what they were thinking when they passed and or signed legislation that allowed this all to happen. I know I sound like a broken record but this is a conspiracy of greed and these people are financial terrorists. You go Jon Stewart!!!!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bigger is Better?

Make no mistake about this. It is the big, really big banks that are causing all the trouble around here. One of the problems with consolidation and lack of competition is that when something(s) fail it causes chaos in the markets. There are about 3 or 4really big banks left in the U. S. They are still having issues because of trust. Big bank number one doesn't trust big bank number 2 and so on.

I have an idea. Why don't Big Bank #1 and Big bank #2 go and see little bank #234 and little bank #432. Those banks are solvent, making good loans for good people who deserve one. They don't need a bailout because the truly smart people really work there. These folks make a solid living, work and play where they live, volunteer for worthy causes, and create expansion of our economy everyday. They talk to their customers and perform the due diligence required to make a good decision for EVERYONE involved.

Until we get back to banking and fiscal sanity none of the efforts being made will help. Are you listening AIG, CITI, JP, BOFA. Have your management team go visit a local bank that has about 12 locations around a county or two. They will show you how it was done yesterday, how it is done today, and how it will be done tomorrow.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

New Manager, Same Ball Club

My children will tell you that I always explain my philosophies with baseball analogies. I believe rightly or wrongly that life is best explained using baseball for understanding. Having said that let's first look at our ongoing national team, the legislative branch. This branch over the last 20 years has tried to fix energy, education, health care, taxes, infrastructure, Social Security, Amtrak, Medicare, and on and on. In baseball terms this legislative team has finished out of the playoffs, way out, for at least the last 20 years. If you think this team has been in the playoffs read the Limits of Power by Andrew Bacevich.

Now, the owners of this team, the of the people, by the people and for the people, people, have said we need a new manager with new ideas to lead our team. But, the team is the same. Oh one faction may be in charge now where a different one was before but it is still the same team, with the same the same hitters and the same pitchers and the same player agents. While their performance maybe at best marginally better with a new manager, we haven't really made any trades for power hitters, or solid pitching to help with this team. Face it, this team really has no All Stars.

Spring is coming to America and it is almost time to play ball. The first few months are really spring training as we get to know the new manager and his coaching staff. We have spent a lot of money in the off season but have gotten few new players on our legislative team. We have some new team captains but it appears all they do is yell at the old captains and vice versa. Doesn't make for real good team harmony. I fear another year of missing the playoffs is in order.

It appears to me we need to change the lineup and give our new manager some power hitters, some pitching and some good utility players for his team. Without several lineup changes this team will again finish poorly. Remember this in November and remember to look back at the standings. Play ball.