Obama,McCain and their respective cronies took up most of the political day today on who is the most patriotic. Hello!!!!!!!!!! We have serious problems here folks.
We have a Senate that hasn't done anything worthwhile in years (candidates are both members). We have an economy that is officially in the tank. We are in a two front war. More people can't afford gas, groceries, and essentials everyday. The stimulus package sent out will be gone in less than three months. We don't need band aid solutions here. We need leadership. We need to change our focus to what is good for our country.
I thought for a long time what was good for business was good for America. No more. What is good for America is good for America. If business does things that are bad for America let them die, don't bail them out while citizens struggle to meet ends.
Let's get a grip on reality here fellas and speak to the issues of the day. Call the rest (patriotism issue) what is is, media crap, and dismiss it as such.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago