We finally got some hard reporting from an unlikely source. The Comedy Channel. Finally someone stepped into one of these greedy pseudo capitalist clowns and exposed them for what they are. They are all a part of the dirty little secret known as greed is good and don't tell anyone we are leveraged beyond belief, it will work itself out bunch.
Hats off to Jon Stewart and now let's get the rest of the Wall Street crowd on his show for their moment to get exposed. Let's invite the CEO's of AIG, CITI, and the rest to be on Jon's show. His show appears to be the only place where we can speak about greed and being irresponsible.
Cramer got what he deserved and he knew all along that we were leveraged way too far out. After all he ran a successful hedge fund for years. You know one of those types of instruments that has caused all the problems. And while we're at it let's get the Bill Clinton's, Chris Dodd's, Barney Frank's, George Bushes of the world on the show too and ask them what they were thinking when they passed and or signed legislation that allowed this all to happen. I know I sound like a broken record but this is a conspiracy of greed and these people are financial terrorists. You go Jon Stewart!!!!!!
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago