The auto execs had the nerve to come in to Congress with their hands out without even a semblance of a plan. Nothing!!!! Can anyone who has ever floated an idea let alone a plan asking for company assets ever gone to management without a well thought out business plan? No answer required.
The auto execs felt all they had to do was ask and they shall receive because that is all they know. They say something and it happens, like magic. No hard work required. No research, no solid, logical plan. I need 12 billion just deposit it in my account. I am the CEO of ......... and should not be questioned.
If these are our finest captains of industry we might as well just shut down the economy because with this type of leadership, or lack thereof, chances of a recovery are slim at best. I guess they are getting a mulligan though. Would you give them one?
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago